Monday, July 7, 2008


Whassup my peoples? I hope you all had a merry Independence Day! I know I sure did. I decided to do a good deed and volunteer to serve lunch at the prison. I just wanted to help those who are less fortunate celebrate our freedom and stuff. I think it really lifted their spirits.

Anyhoodiddlydoo, while I was there, I gots the most BRILLIANT idea! A tattoo parlor! For babies! Yeah, that's right. "Tori's Tattoos for Tots." I mean we already pierce their ears and stuff, so why the freak not? You've probably never heard of a baby tattoo parlor before, so I think I've got a big corner on the market. I don't actually have a "parlor" per se, so I'm just doing it out of my living room for now. Here's a pic of my first happy customer:

Once the crying and swelling stops, I think he's really going to love growing into those. Ok, well, if you're interested, you knows what to do! HOLLA!!!


*Katie May* said...

oh lndz :) You are on silly girl

Melissa said...

did that baby really get those tattoos?